The Simple Syrup Co - Crawley's Bartender Luxury Coconut Syrup

Crawley's Bartender Luxury Coconut Syrup

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Berry, NSW

This coconut syrup is full of the rich and luxurious flavours of coconut flesh, husk, and nuances of coconut milk with a long, creamy, natural finish. The long finish is achieved with a low-temperature forty-eight hour steep of hand-shredded coconut flesh. This allows the rich coconut flavour to really shine through in all drinks. Finally, now you can add a quality and luxurious coconut flavour to tiki classics and modern "aperitiki" cocktails alike. Enjoy in an Absinthe Colada, Coconut Julep...Read More...

This coconut syrup is full of the rich and luxurious flavours of coconut flesh, husk, and nuances of coconut milk with a long, creamy, natural finish. The long finish is achieved with a low-temperature forty-eight hour steep of hand-shredded coconut flesh. This allows the rich coconut flavour to really shine through in all drinks. Finally, now you can add a quality and luxurious coconut flavour to tiki classics and modern "aperitiki" cocktails alike. Enjoy in an Absinthe Colada, Coconut Julep, Coppertone, or as a substitute sweetner in classics such as the Daiquiri. - The Simple Syrup Co. 

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